Synthesis of the results from JECAM will enable the following outcomes:
- Development of international standards for agricultural monitoring and reporting protocols;
- A convergence of the approaches to define best monitoring practices for different agricultural systems;
- Identification of requirements for future EO systems for agricultural monitoring.
Experiments are being developed around the major monitoring challenges associated with a variety of cropping systems; these experiments will require multiple imaging activities during the growing season, related to the various agriculture variables that will be measured. In general, each experiment will be run for 3 – 5 years, allowing for testing of the reproducibility of methods and results. As additional test sites are added, the body of experimental results will continue to grow, so that the findings can be refined and expanded.
JECAM will achieve its objectives by:
- Facilitating the inter-comparison of monitoring and modelling methodology, product accuracy assessments, data fusion and product integration, for agricultural monitoring
- Network distributed regional experiments on cropland pilot sites around the world representing a range of agricultural systems
- Share time series datasets from a variety of earth observing satellites and in-situ data.
- The total temporal duration and the milestones of JECAM are to be determined.