

Project Objectives

  • Crop identification and Crop Area Estimation : OBIA approach  + texture, Fourrer…
  • Cropping systems characterization : spatial analysis
  • Dynamics and evolution monitoring

Project Objectives

Mapping Agricultural Areas

Operational Implementation Plan


Land Cover
  • Spatial Resolution:
  • Temporal Resolution:
Land Use Types

    Estimating Crop Area

    Operational Implementation Plan

    Cropping systems survey in june 2014

    Field size measurement

    Measuring Phenological Events

    Operational Implementation Plan

    Phenological Events
    • Vegetative Growth

    Estimation of Biophysical Variables

    Operational Implementation Plan

    • LAI (mean and variability) measurements of 20 plots of coffee in association with Grevillea, Macadamia
    • Tree-crown size, and tree exact location in the 20 plots
    • Great challenges due to the complexity of the canopy, and the great diversity of vegetal types
    • LAI/structure to be analyzed

    Biophysical Variables
    • LAI (Leaf Area Index)
    • Biomass

    Site Description

    Landscape Topography 1300m, toposequence trend raising from 1000m to 2800m following a E-W line, very hilly with deep slopes.
    Typical Field Size< 1 ha
    Climatic ZoneTropics, warm
    Major Crops and Calendars

    Bananas and Plantains:

    Other fruits:





    Soil Type & Texture


    • Loam
    Soil Drainage Class
    Irrigation Infrastructure["No irrigation (precipitation)"]
    Other Site Details

    In Situ Observations

    EO Data

    Optical Data Requirements

    SAR Data Requirements

    Passive Microwave Data Requirements

    Thermal Data Requirements


    Documents and Files

    Links to paper

    Project Reports

    Study Team

    Team Leader

  • Name: Camille Lelong
  • Affiliation: CIRAD
  • Affiliation Webpage:
  • Position:
  • Email:
  • Personal Webpage:
  • Phone number:
  • Postal Address:
  • Other Team Members