Russia – Tula


Project Objectives

Mapping Agricultural Areas

Operational Implementation Plan


Land Cover
  • Spatial Resolution:
  • Temporal Resolution:

Estimating Crop Area

Operational Implementation Plan

Field size measurement

Measuring Phenological Events

Operational Implementation Plan

Phenological Events
  • Seeding
  • Seedling
  • Vegetative Growth
  • Flowering
  • Fruit Development
  • Maturity
  • Harvest

Estimation of Biophysical Variables

Operational Implementation Plan

Biophysical Variables
  • LAI (Leaf Area Index)
  • Biomass

Forecasting Agricultural Variables

Operational Implementation Plan

Agricultural Variables (large scale)
  • Soil Moisture
  • Soil Erosion
  • Weeds area

Site Description

Landscape Topographyslightly undulated plane, dissected by small rivers' valleys.
Typical Field Size100 ha
Climatic ZoneTemperate, cold
Major Crops and Calendars

Winter Wheat (Normal):
Calendar: September - July

Soil Type & Texture


  • Silty Clay
Soil Drainage Class["Moderately well drained"]
Irrigation Infrastructure["No irrigation (precipitation)"]
Other Site Details

In Situ Observations

Soil erosion status (soil humus content)

  • Crop Type(s):
  • Collection Protocol:

    Samples collection in selected georeferenced representative points and analysis of humus content in laboratory

  • Frequency: Once in the year, after the harvest

Weeds area

  • Crop Type(s):
  • Collection Protocol:

    Acquisitions of nadir-viewing images above the crop canopy with digital camera in selected plots. Estimation of proportion of weeds green area using digital image analysis

  • Frequency: 2 weeks after sowing, in the middle of the season, before harvesting, 2 weeks after harvesting

Crop phenology

  • Crop Type(s):
  • Collection Protocol:

    Visual determination of phenological states

  • Frequency: Each month during the growing season

Soil moisture content

  • Crop Type(s):
  • Collection Protocol:

    Measurements in selected georeferenced representative points

  • Frequency: Before crop sowing, in the middle of the season, after crop harvesting

Crop type

  • Crop Type(s):
  • Collection Protocol:

    Discrimination among crop types in georeferenced plots

  • Frequency: Once per crop season

EO Data

Optical Data Requirements

  • Approximate Start Date of Acquisition: 01/04
  • Approximate End Date of Acquisition: 01/12
  • Spatial resolution: Low resolution (above 60m)Medium resolution (20-60m)High resolution (5-20m)
  • temporal_frequency: WeeklyBiweekly
  • Level of Expertise: Intermediate
  • Latency of Data Delivery:
  • Challanges:
  • SAR Data Requirements

  • Approximate Start Date of Acquisition: 01/04
  • Approximate End Date of Acquisition: 01/12
  • Spatial resolution: Medium resolution (20-60m)High resolution (5-20m)
  • temporal_frequency: Biweekly
  • Frequency: XCL
  • Incidence Angle: Medium
  • Polarisation:
  • Level of Processing: Level 2
  • Orbit: Any
  • Level of Expertise: Intermediate
  • Latency of Data Delivery: More than 5 days
  • Challanges:
  • Passive Microwave Data Requirements

    Thermal Data Requirements


    Documents and Files

    Links to paper

    Project Reports

    Study Team

    Team Leader

  • Name: Igor Savin
  • Affiliation: V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute
  • Affiliation Webpage:
  • Position:
  • Email:
  • Personal Webpage:
  • Phone number:
  • Postal Address:
  • Other Team Members