Costa Rica – San Pablo



The main objective is to evaluate the use of Radar images of Systematic Opening (SAR) and Optical images to monitor parameters of productivity and phenology of the banana crop, also to determine the relationship of the effect of soil moisture and biomass on the production and phenology of the banana crop, obtained by Remote Sensing data.

Project Objectives

Site Description

Landscape Topography
Typical Field Size
Climatic ZoneTropics, warm
Major Crops and Calendars
Soil Type & Texture
Soil Drainage Class
Irrigation Infrastructure
Other Site Details

In Situ Observations

EO Data

Optical Data Requirements

SAR Data Requirements

Passive Microwave Data Requirements

Thermal Data Requirements


Documents and Files

Links to paper

Project Reports

Study Team

Team Leader

  • Name: José Antonio Guzman Alvarez
  • Affiliation: Corbana
  • Affiliation Webpage:
  • Position:
  • Email:
  • Personal Webpage:
  • Phone number:
  • Postal Address:
  • Other Team Members

    Published by CostaRica - Corbana, in .